We established in INDIA.
1) To open, establish, run and manage schools, collage, coaching center, counselling centers, skill development centers, computer centers, foreign language teaching centers,
vocational education centers, guidance center & programs to empower and spread the education amongst all needy people preferably belonging to unprivileged villages, town and cities.
2) To provide expert and professional advice and assistance to the bright youngsters to complete the academic and professional career at their dreams.
3) To impart social education to the worker section of the society to help them to be free from the culture of poverty and develop themselves.
4) To undertake socio-economic programmers to improve the standard of living of the weakest and underprivileged section of the society.
5) To support or conduct research programs through inquiry, survey, interview, questionnaire, personal discussions to facilitate, inspire and motivate for higher and technical education.
6) To establish support or operate online, offline, and virtual libraries, book centers, lea ringing centers, internet access facilities & any other audio-visual electronic facilities
useful in acquisition & exchange of knowledge.
7) To help and assist poor and needy residents and their families during emergencies such as flood, war, earth=quake and rains.
8) To work and implement mobile project programs- like ambulance, dead body carrier services, primary medical treatment, relief and rehabilitation facilities to needful location for the affected people.
9) To generate/produce/procure and distribute/educational materials including books, toys, computer software, hardware peripherals, games, teaching learning aids and any materials that
may be useful in educational activities.
10) To conduct training programs and course for volunteers, professional, teachers, officers and any other groups or individuals who may be helpful in achieving the objectives of the society.
11) To diffuse social education for enhancing the same of discipline, civic duties and ethical values among the people.
12) To create communication networks of groups, organizations, institutions, individuals to facilitate better exchange of information and experiences.
We are a Non-Governmental Organization (N.G.O). We act as a bridge between the Government and People “who are living in poverty to
realize their utmost potential to be someone in the society.”
As a team we are REBUILDING lives for future working for a BETTER TOMORROW, to support for a good cause we are working with an aim for the development of youth, moral educators,
for child education and for environment development.
Dr.Md Irshad Founder
Dr.Md Wasim President
Md Mahboob Alam General Secretary
Md Sahban Treasurer
Mohd Farrokh Shahab Vice President
Mohd Shadab Joint Secretary
Farhad Ahmed Vice President
Mohd wakil akhtar executive members
Mohd Anzar Excutive members
Faisal Mumtaz executive members
Ashraf Firdousi Excutive member
Md.Mushtaque executive members